+420 577 912 861 info@unique.cz


As every year, we will be exhibiting at the composite materials fair JEC WORLD 2024. Come and visit us at our exhibition in hall 6, stand P 06 on days from 5.3. – 7.3.2024.

UNIQUE Textiles partner of the Men’s Cycle ball World Cup

On Saturday, November 25, the Datart sports hall in Zlín hosted the final tournament of the Men’s Cycle ball World Cup. The tournament took place with the participation of the best players from Germany, Switzerland, Austria, France, Japan or Hong Kong, and all...

Meeting with Tomas Bata University students in our company

On 13 November 2023, we were pleased to welcome students from the Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Department of Production Engineering. After a short presentation of our company’s production technology, a tour of the production hall at our looms followed. We look...

December 2023

Due to Christmas holiday our company will be closed from 21.12.2023 till 1.1.2024. PF 2024


Dear business partners, we would like to thank you for visiting our exhibition at the fair during KOMPOZYT-EXPO®

UNIQUE Textiles on instagram!

You can also follow us now on instagram. See what´s new: https://www.instagram.com/unique_textiles_sro/


This year we will participate in the KOMPOZYT-EXPO® trade fair as exhibitors. This year’s edition will be held on 4.10. – 5 October 2023 in Krakow. We look forward to seeing you at our exhibition at stand number...

Supervisory audit 2023

On May 9, 2023, a supervisory audit was successfully conducted at both establishments of our company.This audit included a review of the management system, on-site verification of operational processes andactivities as well as verification of records related to the...